Groups team up to give free cannabis to veterans

Aug 3rd, 2015 10:02AM

DENVER, CO (KDVR/CNN) - Grow4Vets has been handing out cannabis to military veterans for a year in Colorado.

But the state's medical board has just ruled not to recognize marijuana as a treatment for PTSD.

High There! a cannabis-sharing social network teamed up with Grow4Vets to host an impromptu rally on their Save a Million Vets Tour.

Now we've created a tour around the country called the Save a Million Vets Tour," Co-founder and CEO of High There! Todd Mitchem said.

Veterans lined up early in Rino's Taxi district, most wearing their colors, letting folks know where they served.

Mitchem came up with the first social sharing network for cannabis users. Now he is partnering with Grow4Vets, helping vets get medication.

"Literally we're going to every legal state in the country holding events like this giving cannabis to veterans as much as we can," Mitchem said.

"People say that you know cannabis is bad for you. There are a lot of proof saying that it's not. It does help, especially with PTSD," Ed Barela, Army veteran, said.

"I was diagnosed with survivor guilt, if you will. And a form of PTSD and you know what it helps me. It helps me sleep. It helps me with what I call balance, stay balanced," Richard Hughes, Air Force veteran, said.

Grow4Vets Founder Roger Martin can't understand why the Colorado Medical Board voted the way they did. In light of the fact we lose 50 vets a day, he says, to prescription drug overdose or suicides related to depression from taking drugs for PTSD.

"We have vets that come to us taking 20-25 drugs for different prescription medications every single day," Martin said.

Martin says it's not only vets who suffer PTSD and could be helped by cannabis.

So many civilians suffer PTSD, rape victim, domestic abuse victims, victims of accidents, anybody who's been involved in a trauma," Martin said.

The Save a Million Vets Tour stopped in Colorado before heading to Los Angeles, Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.

The tour hopes to raise a quarter million dollars to support Grow4Vets' efforts of giving away free cannabis to vets around the U.S.

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