These Presidents of the United States Have All (Likely) Smoked Weed

Apr 7th, 2016 3:57PM

Most Americans smoke weed at least once in their life, so it's no surprise that most presidents have dabbled with the dank. As this list of U.S. politicians who have admitted cannabis use displays, more politicians than not have likely inhaled the kush smoke"because even the likes of Sarah Palin makes this list.

Currently, the United States' White House is on a three-president smoking streak, as the nation's last three Presidents have all admitted smoking the reefer. Here's a few words on those three, along with the other forefathers that got down with green.

Barack Obama

President BHO's high school Choom Gang days have been well-documented, as the president and his homies puffed on Hawaii's Maui Wowie during their formative years. And according to Barry's friends, he was the weed ring-leader who came up with the following weed smoking shenanigans and games that make Chicago look like child's play:

Maraniss portrays the teenage Obama as not just a pot smoker, but a pot-smoking innovator.

As a member of the Choom Gang, Maraniss writes, Barry Obama was known for starting a few pot-smoking trends.

The first Obama-inspired trend: Total Absorption or TA.

Here's how it worked: If you exhaled prematurely when you were with the Choom Gang, you were assessed a penalty and your turn was skipped the next time the joint came around.

As one of Obama's old high school buddies tells Maraniss: Wasting good bud smoke was not tolerated.

Another Obama innovation: Roof Hits.

When they were chooming in a car all the windows had to be rolled up so no smoke blew out and went to waste; when the pot was gone, they tilted their heads back and sucked in the last bit of smoke from the ceiling.

Maraniss also says Obama was known for his Interceptions: When a joint was making the rounds, he often elbowed his way in, out of turn, shouted 'Intercepted!,' and took an extra hit.

Translation: a young Barry Obama was kind of the man who had a serious crush on Mary Jane. And paved the way for Key & Peele's timeless skit portraying Obama as a college pothead.

George Bush

President Dubya was almost as big a fan of dime bags as he was cocaine. And since marijuana is a clearly a gateway to cocaine use, there's little doubt that Bush got blazed during his rebellious youth.

Plus, there's this: I wouldn't answer the marijuana questions. You know why? Because I don't want some little kid doing what I tried.

Bill Clinton

Clinton's I didn't inhale myth finally went up in smoke over a year ago. Pimpin aint easy.

John F. Kennedy

As we recently detailed, JFK got high in the White House with his mistress. But like Bush, JFK preferred the white (and we're not talking about the strain The White). We're talking about Lindsay Lohan's best friend.

James Madison: The father of America's constitution claimed that Hemp gave him the insight to sculpt democracy in America.

Thomas Jefferson

A staunch Hemp supporter with jungle fever, if TJ was around today, he'd probably be slicing Swishers up in the White House.

Abraham Lincoln

While people believe Honest Abe simply loved sitting on his porch and smoking hemp while playing his harmonica, that quote may be false. But men with beards love to blaze and Abe was quite the outdoorsman.

George Washington:

According to High Times, less well-known presidents Franklin Pierce, Zachary Taylor, Andrew Jackson, and James Monroe also lit up"some with America's armed forces. Of course, these are just the presidents who are thought or known to have touched the sticky icky. Before the advent of the internet and then social media, gossip regarding a president's past was much harder to come by.

Now, if a president ever smoked weed during his youth or latter years, those skeletons will ultimately emerge from their closets, because people tell stories on the internet. And hell, even Richard Nixon unintentionally smuggled the stuff for Louis Armstrong.

In my opinion, smoking weed should be a requisite for future presidents. If they don't understand America's fastest growing economy, how can they justly regulate the substance?

Sadly, that may not be the case in 2016 unless the weed-hating but high school stoner Jeb Bush wins.

If and when Hillary Clinton (likely) becomes America's next President, the streak of Presidents who have smoked weed could come to an end. Because the former First Lady and non-smoker has never been fond of putting objects in her mouth.

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